4 Tips for Keeping Your Print Shop Information Safe

May 27th, 2015

If you are a user of shopVOX, you know how amazing this print shop management software is at managing your print shop. It manages your contacts, staff, projects, quotes, jobs, invoices and so much more! That is a lot of information stored. With all of this information stored, its important that you ensure this information remains safe. Unfortunately, there are some people that have deceptive motives. Granted most people do not, but, the problem is knowing who does and who does not. So, to protect yourself from those few deceptive people, here are some ways to keep your software safe from hackers. 

1. Create a password that is difficult to figure out. First don't create a password using your birthday, nor the birthday of your children. Also, do not use a password that anyone can guess easily like your children's names, your middle name, favorite color, favorite sports team, etc. You want to make your password challenging to figure out. Some ways to make your shopVOX challenging is to include both lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers and even punctuation. This makes it harder for a deceptive person to figure out your secret password. 

2. Keep your password private. Do not ever share your password with another person. Each staff member of your print shop can have their own password, so there is no reason to hand over your password to another staff member.

3. Set Staff Permissions.You can set permissions in shopVOX so that you can limit what your employees view in shopVOX. This image to the left is an screen shot of some of the permissions that you can set. 

4. Disable Past Staff Member from shopVOX: When a person is no longer employed by your shop, make sure that you disable them from using shopVOX anymore.

Practice these 4 tips and your shopVOX information will remain private and safe. We hope that these tips offer you peace and mind about the safety of your print shop's information. As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to contact support via Live Chat in your shopVOX print shop management software. To your success, the shopVOX team.