Are You Prepared for ISA 2017?

April 18th, 2017

It's that time of year again - The International Sign Expo in Vegas! A great time for sign businesses to find new and exciting ways to take their business to the next level, manage their shops easier, create better products, and discover new items to offer their customers. We all know that after the expo closes for the day there is so much more to do! Whether you are going there personally or you are sending your staff there, it's smart to be prepared for your time away from your shop and to make the most out of your time at ISA 2017.

Here are some tips and suggestions to help you before you head out the door: 

  1. Consider what your shop needs the most. What areas have room for improvement? What products are not selling as well? Can you improve your sales lead process? What products can be better? Do you need better marketing? Do you need a way to manage your business more effectively? 

  2. After considering what your shop needs, seek out the vendors that may be able to help. Add those vendors to a list with their booth numbers. We hope that we are on that list - booth 4781.

  3. Visit the vendors that you already use and make sure you stop by. (Add them to the list too.) Introduce yourself, ask questions, and/or give suggestions. 

  4. Register for sessions that are beneficial for your business. There is much to learn by taking the time to attend sessions. 

  5. Network, network, network. You hear it all the time, "It's who you know!" Plan to meet a certain amount of people to connect with. Attend the happy hours and mingle.

  6. Plan some after show entertainment. There is so much to do in Vegas that it is wise to have at least one or two must sees while you are there. But, leave time open so you can spend it with those you just met at the show - further the networking. 

  7. After the show. We know, it's Vegas! You want to explore the city. So, take an hour before heading out to go over the day at the show. Make notes of what is most important to follow up on.  

  8. Be open. Be open to learning. Be open to meeting new people. Be open to thinking outside the box about your business. Be open to new idea and products. Be open to being flexible. 

We are looking forward to seeing you there! Remember we are at booth 4781.

Can't make the show?