Get Started With a Vision Traction Organizer For Your Shop

May 3rd, 2022

Sign and print shop owners should always be looking ahead to new ways in which they can improve their business model. It never hurts to plan as best you can for the weeks, months, and years ahead for your shop.

A Vision Traction Organizer can be a good way to focus your business model and keep the wheels turning on your shop’s growth.

What Is a Vision Traction Organizer?

A Vision Traction Organizer is a powerful tool that will help you organize the vision you have for your shop. Using this easy-to-use tool, shop owners will be able to create a structured outline for what they want the next steps to be for their shop’s growth.

By answering only eight questions, shop owners will have the opportunity to partake in an innovative method of developing a business model. The shops that have used this tool function more efficiently than they had before because the Vision Traction Organizer allows for each shop to consider the needs and values of their employees.

Consult Your Employees

It is recommended that the shop owners who use the Vision Traction Organizer include their employees in the process. Keeping the conversation between the shop owner and the employees ensures that everyone at the shop will be looking in the same direction. 

In this way, everyone will have an opportunity to contribute to the vision of the shop. Instilling a sense of employee pride in the shop. By the end of each year, it is helpful to acknowledge the shop’s triumphs more openly so that each contributing team member knows that they are a part of the success story.

Two employees high fiveDefine Your Values

The Vision Traction Organizer itself challenges shop owners to define their values in both the short and long term, as well as the frequent issues that may be holding them back. 

The tool also asks sign shop owners to acknowledge the bedrock of the shop’s development. From there, the most important things that make a particular shop unique can rise in focus, giving it a renewed purpose and path forward.

The recommended Vision Traction Organizer provides shops with an outline for what they should do next and offers guidelines for who should carry out which tasks. In this way, each staff member is given a unique responsibility and progress is easy to keep track of. 

Three Simple Steps

For the Vision Tracker Organizer to be successful, consider following these three steps:

  1. Make sure each employee has access to the Vision Tracker Organizer. From the company handbook to offer letters, every employee or potential employee should be acutely aware of your shop’s goals and mission. Try not to give your employees (or yourself) an opportunity to lose focus on why they are doing their work.

  2. Take your time with this tool. A Vision Tracker Organizer should be well thought out and collaborative. This is not the kind of project that can be completed properly in a single afternoon. Before coming up with a solidified plan, allow each employee an opportunity to speak their mind. To secure the best possible results for your shop, the opinions of others should be taken into account. Not everyone will hold the same values, and that is alright.

  3. Everyone needs to be included in the process. Set up one-on-one meetings with each employee and dive deep into their priorities. The values of your employees are unlikely to align completely with yours, but their insights should be held in equal regard to your own. When it comes to establishing your shop’s core values, there are no wrong answers.

Get Started with Your Vision Tracker Organizer

Download the recommended Vision Tracker Organizer here.

Check out some of the other handy guides offered by shopVOX! Sign and print shop owners are sure to find our tools helpful.

shopVOX can assist you in setting up your shop. We provide a number of print shop and sign software tools that can help you get your shop off to a great start!