How to Start a Screen Printing Business

August 9th, 2020

Custom t-shirts are just plain fun, aren’t they? Whether you’re commemorating the local high school’s graduating class, advertising for a small business, or uniting members of the company baseball team, screen printed clothing is a good way to make a group of people who share something feel more connected. It can also be a good way to make a living if you’re the one printing those shirts.

shopVOX can help make your dream job a reality. Our business management software is uniquely tailored to meet the needs of custom manufacturers of all stripes. Whatever your experience level, we can help you streamline the entire process, from attracting customers and operating a fully-fledged webstore to organizing assets, scheduling tasks, negotiating prices, creating invoices, and a whole lot more.

Before all that, though, you still need to get started. Here are some helpful tips for getting your very own screen printing business up and running.

Gather Your Resources

As with any business, you can’t start creating your product without the right resources. That means more than just raw materials, however. It’s important to obtain the necessary licenses and permits to manufacture and sell your products first, and to buy or lease a large enough space to house your machinery and stock.

It’s equally important to acquire knowledge of the screen printing business, not just in terms of equipment training but also by learning who your suppliers are, what the costs and profit margins are, and a lot more. Only after you’ve done all that can you start investing in blank t-shirts, banners, bags, and whatever other customizable items you plan to sell.

Meet Your Customers

Even the coolest custom t-shirt is just a piece of fabric if there’s no one wearing it. It’s time to ensure you’ve got a steady supply of bodies to wear your threads. Screen printing is one of those businesses that benefits from not being tied down to any one location. Thanks to the Internet, you can sell your products to anyone in the world. But first you have to get yourself out there and start meeting customers.

But don’t just meet them, try to get to know them. Figure out what people like most about your business model, and then give them more of that. Play to your strengths, and most of all, play to your audience. Don’t neglect the local market, either. Even with online sales, a screen printing business’s best customers are often found in the company’s hometown community. Reach out to local businesses and organizations to make connections.

Maintain Your Quality

One of the hardest parts of any custom manufacturing business is getting the ball rolling. The second hardest part? Keeping it rolling. As you pick up more and more customers, you may find yourself overwhelmed. Cutting corners is tempting, and sometimes happens unintentionally. But not maintaining a consistent level of quality is the surest recipe for stopping that ball dead in its tracks.

Managing your screen printing workflow is a key part of running a smooth, efficient, and profitable business. The better equipped you are to monitor every aspect of the manufacturing and selling process, the better positioned you will be to satisfy your customers. Good word of mouth is still the best marketing tool, after all.

Promote Your Business

Speaking of marketing, just because you’ve acquired a healthy customer base, don’t think you’re done with self-promotion just yet. In truth, you should never stop promoting. Having a successful screen printing business isn’t a matter of just keeping busy. It’s a matter of becoming even busier. In other words, the most important thing in business is growth.

It’s no secret: a business that isn’t growing risks stagnating, and stagnation leads to decline. Never rest on your laurels. Keep making connections and getting the word out there. Put labels on your shirts so the people wearing them know who made them, and where they can get their own custom designs, too. As time goes on, don’t be afraid to offer newer, better products. Each day should be a new mountain to climb. Go to it!

Be Your Own Boss with shopVOX Business Software

At shopVOX, we understand how much time, effort, and energy goes into starting your own screen printing business. We want you to succeed just as much as you do. That’s why we’ve designed our business printing software with you in mind.

shopVOX makes every aspect of running a custom manufacturing business easier. With an emphasis on comprehensiveness and user-friendliness, our software is by your side every step of the way, from receiving an order to shipping the final product. Scheduling, pricing, production, web management, invoicing, and more; it’s all there and it’s all optimized for maximum efficiency. Contact us now and let shopVOX help you take your business to the next level!