Recruiting Tips

February 25th, 2022

A business is only as good as its employees. Even with all the beneficial features of shopVOX print shop software at your disposal, you still need employees you can trust in order to use shopVOX to its full potential.

How, then, do you go about ensuring that your sign shop’s employees are best suited to meet your needs? How do you attract candidates with the right skills, experience, and personality?

The answer is simple: have a winning recruitment strategy.

You may think you have no say in who applies to your job postings, but that’s not entirely true. In fact, the recruiting process is arguably the only component of staffing that small business owners actually do control. That’s why developing a good recruiting strategy is more than just an opportunity. It’s a necessity.

At shopVOX, we’re always thinking of ways we can help sign shop and print shop businesses grow. That’s why we’ve put together the following list highlighting what we believe are the three most crucial tips for attracting awesome employees to your company.

Tip #1: Get Started Now

Despite how important a sign shop’s employees are to the company’s success, many business owners put surprisingly little time and thought into their recruiting strategy. In most cases, recruiting is only actively done when the business is in a crisis, such as when a valuable employee has left.

Replacing lost employees in a hurry is not only costly, it also makes you more likely to cut corners, to accept less than what your business deserves. So, then, when should a business start recruiting? Well, unless you’re one of the very few businesses that have people lining up to work for you, the answer is right now.

A healthy business is one that is always growing, which means a healthy business is also one that is always recruiting. That’s why we here at shopVOX recommend that business owners strive to spend around 33% of their time actively recruiting new employees.

Tip #2: Know Your Needs

Ready to start recruiting? Great! Before you dive in, though, it’s a good idea to take a minute to really think about what you’re looking for in a new hire. Determine the important characteristics of the positions you’re hiring for and what particular skills the ideal employee for that role would have. For instance, does this position require someone with computer skills or a sign-hanging license?

Keep in mind, when we say characteristics, we’re not limiting that solely to job skills and prior experience. Personality characteristics should also be taken into account. Make a list of attributes you value most in an employee: honesty, a solid work ethic, being a team player, etc.

Once you have that list, direct all your sign shop’s recruiting efforts towards finding candidates that meet those criteria. Having a list you can refer to will make it a lot easier to determine how much a potential employee meets your company’s needs and expectations.

Tip #3: Get Everyone Involved

When you have a job opening available, one of the best ways to cast as wide a net as possible is to make sure everyone in your organization knows what you’re looking for. And we mean everyone. With a limited pool of talent and countless other businesses competing for the same workforce, you have to do everything you can to position yourself at the front of the pack.

Attracting new employees is very similar to attracting new customers; the most crucial thing is figuring out how to get their attention. There are many, many avenues available to you and they may differ based on your local area’s rules and regulations. We recommend using as many avenues as you have access to.

This includes not only posting ads, but also using your current staff to send out feelers or possibly refer candidates they know personally. Consider incentivizing current employees by offering a finder’s fee. Just be sure that you (and they) clearly communicate to all potential new hires what kind of pay and benefits your company offers.

The Keys to Success: Good Employees & Great Software

A company’s employees project a certain image to customers; they, more than anything else, establish the personality of your business’ brand. That’s why it’s so important that the employees you hire project an image that is both professional and positive.

Customers want to do business with people they not only like, but also trust. In fact, it’s been proven that when customers like and trust a business’ employees, the closure rate for the average ticket increases dramatically.
With a great team of employees by your side, as well as the business management capabilities of shopVOX, your sign shop will have everything it needs to be a success. Want to learn more about shopVOX sign software and what it can do for your business? Contact us today!