Resources Sign Shop Owners Have in Their Arsenal

November 11th, 2020

Today, you can find services out there that can help with just about anything you could need to run your business. Plenty of resources are available that are perfect for sign shop owners, so you don’t want to pass up the opportunity to find ways to utilize them for your business. These resources can make your job easier, so there’s no reason not to take advantage of them. Take a look at these great resources for sign shop owners and why you should consider using them. 

Unlimited Graphic Design Services

An unlimited graphic design service is an incredible asset that your shop should start taking advantage of. There can be many occasions where you need more graphic design support for projects than you can do in-house, or maybe the skills needed for these projects aren’t something your team can do on their own. A cost-effective way of always having all the graphic design help you need is to invest in services from an unlimited graphic design company. You can outsource the work you need for a flat rate each month. Because of this, you can get all the extra support you need without worrying about driving up the cost. A few graphic design services to look into are Design Pickle, GraphicsZoo. Most graphic design services also offer different pricing options, so you can find what works best for your shop and your budget. Many of these services are also easy to use in addition to print shop software like shopVOX. 

Direct Capital

Direct Capital, now known as CIT, is an extremely important resource to utilize that can help your clients finance their orders. Your clients might not always have the funding on hand to cover their order, or they may not want to have to put it on their credit card. With CIT, clients have an easy and reliable way to get funding so they can get exactly what they want from your sign shop without worrying about where the money will come from. CIT allows clients to apply for financing directly online, quickly get approved, and it provides you with a link for your website to make it easy for you to manage everything. Using CIT for financing can help you close on orders that otherwise might not happen due to some of your clients' funding concerns.

Sales Genie

There are also resources available that can help you bring in more qualified leads for your sign shop. One great resource out there for getting new leads is Data Axle Genie, formerly known as Sales Genie. Finding good leads is often a very time-consuming task, but it doesn’t have to be. With Data Axle Genie, you can easily find the leads who are most likely to become your clients without spending all your time on this. This is a great resource for sign shops of all sizes and can save you a significant amount of time and stress when it comes to finding and reaching out to new leads. 

Google Meet for Design Consultations

2020 brought on challenges that no business owners could have seen coming. Today, you have to use all the resources you can and be creative to keep your business going in the midst of a pandemic. Since in-person meetings aren’t an option right now and likely won’t be for a while yet, you need to find other methods of consulting with your clients. There are many options out there for virtual meetings, but a great, free one is Google Meet. This allows you to host virtual meetings with your clients and have design consultations when you can’t meet face to face. Google Meet also allows you to share your screen with clients, making these meetings even better for both your sign shop and the client. With screen sharing, you can show your clients exactly what’s on your screen and discuss it with them to make virtual design consultations. You can easily and quickly go over designs with clients and get their feedback during your meeting. 

Branding Guide Books - Free Digital Catalogs

All sign shops should consider creating their own branding guidebooks. In these books, you can showcase all of the projects your shop has completed and what types of projects you’re capable of producing. This is something many of your clients will find helpful when considering having a sign made by your shop. With a handy book, they have one place where they can easily get a good idea of what your print shop can help them achieve. Your shop should have a high-quality physical catalog available, as well as the members of your sales team. Of course, seeing a physical book in person isn’t always possible, especially today. Fortunately, you can still do this virtually, so you don’t want to skip this even if you aren’t having clients come into your shop right now. You can include all the same pictures and information right on your website by creating a flipbook with a service like Paperturn, so clients can still get the same experience as flipping through a real book. 

Start Utilizing Sign Shop Resources Today

There are many great resources and tools available today to help you run your sign shop. One resource out there to include in your arsenal along with these ideas is shopVOX. With shopVOX, you can get print shop software with several key features that you need for your business. Learn more about how shopVOX can be a great resource for your sign shop.